Mazzie's Music Magorium
Punk and Metal Album Reviews
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Malignant Monster "Foul Play"

An Aussie thrash/death metal band, Malignant Monster, released this seven tracks EP, "Foul Play" in 2005. I got a copy from an Aussie friend and I've been really digging this album for a long time. I'm really glad to see this EP with SEVEN tracks. I always hate it when an EP have fewer than 4 tracks. I mean come on...give me a break!

When I heard the first track, "Old Corpus Delecti", for first time...the first thing to pop in my head is...FINALLY! some good modern thrash metal. The drums are very thrashy and fast. Good blastbeats and you can definitely pick up death influences. The guitar works are pure thrash while the vocals bring some variety with black metal style growls. They did a pretty good cover on Megadeath's song "Liar" as the last track on the EP. I've been noticing more and more quality metal coming out of Aussieland. Total props for the country!

Best song: "My Rage"-full of brutal force and solid instrument works. Lyrics is very catchy too.

Worst song: "Turrets of Blood"- the least thrashy song out of the album. Doesn't really do much for me. They better not expand on this song on next album. Stick with the first couple of songs.

Score: 7.5/10

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